Wanderman in the Wilderness

God's word applied in the world.

8 Seconds of Silence

swift, 1989Canadians really love Taylor Swift. REALLY. Taylor’s fans, or “Swifties,” as they are called, proved their devotion to Taylor this week by sending the 3rd track on her new album, “1989,” to #1. “Why is that news?” I’m glad you asked. Turns out, the 3rd track  was an accidental release of 8 seconds of white noise!

That’s right! You know you have arrived when you can release 8 seconds of white noise accidentally and your fans make it the #1 hit song in the country! Seriously, Canada. I wonder what kind of royalties Taylor got as people tried to figure out what she was “really trying to say!”

According to Merriam-Webster, “White Noise” is defined as:

a constant noise (such as that the noise from a television or radio that is turned on but is not receiving a clear signal) that is a mixture of many different sound waves; also, meaningless or distracting commotion, hubbub, or chatter.

Now, don’t take this to mean that all Taylor’s hits are meaningless…well, you can decide that for yourself. But she does have several hits on the top ten, especially in Canada. It is interesting, though, that more fans chose to listen to 8 seconds of white noise than hear one of her actual recordings with a real message. And the harsh question is, “how different is that from the religious world?”

There is a lot of “white noise” out there today in the religious world. There are so many noises, sounds, and frequencies, that it can be hard to hear the one true signal of God. I believe that many people today would rather look for meaning in 8 seconds of nonsense than listen to the truth of the message of God.

What is the church doing today to distinguish the gospel message from the white noise?

Taylor’s 8 seconds was a mistake, and it was easily fixed. They simply removed the track from possible downloads. But no one is removing false “noise” from the religious airwaves. Be careful what you download…the real message of Jesus is far better than the white noise! Why not give a listen today? Try http://www.churchofchristatclover.org/sermons/ for messages from His truth.

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