Wanderman in the Wilderness

God's word applied in the world.

Blue Monday, Velveeta, and the Vortex, Oh My!

var, blm,ch,vortIf you are reading this article, then you survived “Blue Monday,” the Velveeta “cheesepocalypse,” and the Vortex. Turns out, 2014 has already thrown a lot at us and we’re just half way into the 1st week! Is there reason to panic? Let’s consider the forces working against us.

Blue Monday, has been dubbed the “most depressing day of the year.” Some say it is like Monday on steroids: slow to go back to work after the holidays, in debt from over spending, over-weight from the average 5-10 pounds of holiday weight, and already failing to keep New Year’s resolutions.

Need more reason to be depressed? Velveeta has announced that due to a cheese production issue, there won’t be enough cheese for all those Super Bowl nachos! Millions of Super Bowl fans, restaurants, and stadiums are panicking and causing shelves to be bare of nacho gold.

Finally, this year, winter cold has a new name…Polar Vortex. We’re talking seriously cold weather! NY has declared a state of emergency. Flights have been cancelled, pipes are bursting, and some places could experience 40 degrees below zero. More time stuck inside means more cabin fever!

Need an encouraging word in these tumultuous days? “Blue Monday” can be turned into an encouraging reminder of our blessings: a job, loved ones to buy gifts for, and plenty of food to eat. Cheesepocalypse may help us shed some of that 5-10 pounds of holiday weight! And the Polar Vortex, though a serious storm, is already passing and bringing better forecasts.

The point? There is nothing new, as Solomon said, “under the sun.” We have faced weather before, “the wind continues swirling along;” we have dealt with the blues before, “the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor is the ear filled with hearing;” and we have experienced the effect of gluttony before, “yet the appetite is not satisfied” (Ecclesiastes 1:6,8; 6:7).

All things, though, can be new “under the Son.” God promises to make all things new for those who have become new in Him (Revelation 21:5; 1 Corinthians 5:17). So there is no need to panic, but there are plenty of reasons to rejoice! There is only one who makes things new. Seek Him today!

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