Wanderman in the Wilderness

God's word applied in the world.

Now where did I put that billion?

Have you been following the downfall of MF Global over the last few weeks? The problems at MF Global are due, at least in part, to risky bets on European debt and short-term hedges made by former NJ Governor Jon Corzine. Corzine is no stranger to risk, and in the past many of his bets have paid off. This time he wasn’t so lucky. The big story though, is not that another fund went down; in fact, that is an all-too-familiar story these days. The big story is that it has become evident that the firm is missing a few dollars – $1.2 billion at the latest estimate!

Has misplacing $1.2 billion become such a small thing? I’ve been known to dig through the back seat for loose change in a pinch! It might startle readers that this firm can’t quite find $1.2 billion of investors’ money. Is it in the petty cash drawer? Has it made its way into someone’s pocket? Where could it be? How hard are they really looking to find it?

Jesus told a parable about a woman who lost a single coin or drachma in Luke 15. She scours the entire house, lighting a lamp and sweeping and searching diligently until she finds it. When she does, she calls her friends and neighbors to rejoice at having found that which was lost. Jesus likens this to the joy in heaven when one sinner repents and is reconciled to God (Luke 15:10). Isn’t it a comfort to know that we are so much more important to God than $1.2 billion dollars? Isn’t it wonderful that angels rejoice over our decision to follow God’s ways?

If you are one of God’s “coins,” know that He loves you and wants to rejoice in your having been “found.” Come to the saving knowledge of the truth today – that Jesus is the son of God and died for your sins, having shed His blood on your behalf.

If I can study with you or help in any way, please let me know!

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