Wanderman in the Wilderness

God's word applied in the world.

Quitting Sin…Cold Turkey?

cold turkeyWhen I was young, I didn’t like taking off Band-Aids. They hurt. So I peeled them back slowly. But, with time, I learned that there was a better way – one quick pull. As we mature, we learn that it is better to face our pain today rather than slowly over time. And, it turns out that science agrees!

According to a recent study on quitting smoking, researchers showed that a group who tried to quit smoking “cold turkey” was more successful than the group who did so over time. Even more telling, was the fact that those in the group who quit “cold turkey” were far more successful at quitting for good. And, with smoking listed as the leading preventable cause of death, according to the CDC, knowing how to quit effectively is important.

Smoking may be the leading preventable cause of death, physically speaking, but sins are, of course, the leading cause of spiritual death. In fact, sin is the only cause of spiritual death. And, unfortunately, the mortality rate is 100%.

Quitting sin is the greatest challenge humanity faces. After all, “all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God” (Roman 3:23), and everyone bears the shame of sin (1 John 1:10).

But, thankfully, there is good news! You can quit “cold turkey!” Jesus expected it: “From now on sin no more” (John 8:11); “do not sin anymore” (John 5:14). Why was that Jesus’ answer to sinners? Because Jesus knew what researchers have discovered…“cold turkey” gives us the greatest chance of success.

You see, the “over time” smoking group was like many Christians are today. They make a decision, but continually long for the old life. They look back like Lot’s wife did with Sodom. They fail, because they fail to sever. Many of us seem to want to quit sin on our schedule rather than God’s. But that method isn’t successful, and God expects more.

So what does “cold turkey” look like, spiritually speaking? Surely, it doesn’t mean never sinning again, does it? No. But an immediate and convicted reaction to sin is the most successful path to righteousness.

When we realize our sins and our condition, we should go before God’s throne like Isaiah did in Isaiah 6. Our realization of sin in our lives and the damage sin inflicts, must cause us to have woeful, repentant hearts. And we should make every effort to sever sin from our lives.

It doesn’t mean we will be perfect. And it doesn’t mean we will be sinless. Quitting “cold turkey” includes putting all my trust in Him to keep me in the fruit of the Spirit…even when I fail. Dying to self is harder when it is done piecemeal, longing for the old life. Living in the love of Christ is a decision that is far more successful when done, “cold turkey.”


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