Wanderman in the Wilderness

God's word applied in the world.

Something Bugging You?

bugsYou’re surrounded. You had no idea. I mean, sure…the occasional bug…you’ve seen it. Maybe you smashed it. Maybe you sprayed it. Maybe you felt like you handled the problem. Think again!

According to a recent study by Matt Bertone, an entomologist at North Carolina State University, nearly 600 kinds of arthropods could be in your home right now. The average home studied had approximately 100, including: spiders, centipedes, mites, lice, beetles, roaches, flies, crickets, etc. Sleep well…and don’t let the bedbugs bite!

Of course, it turns out that this is pretty normal. No “bedbugs” were actually found in any of the homes studied; and only 3 homes had the harmful kind of roaches. For the most part, we co-exist daily, without incident, with hundreds, if not thousands, of bugs living in, under, and around our homes. And while that might send Entomophobes, Acaraphobes, Arachnophobes, and others into cold sweats, for the most part, there is no danger.

Yet, we spend billions of dollars each year on sprays, traps, lures, detection, ejection, and extermination of the little critters. We don’t want the presence of even one to be seen in our houses. We run to smash, spray, and force out of the house, even the smallest of them.

But what about sin, friend? Did you know it is far more harmful and far more prevalent in our houses and lives? Did you know it lurks around every corner and hides in every crevice? It is even “crouching at the door” and “desires to have you” (Genesis 4:4-7)!

What do we do when we see sins in our houses? Run to smash them? Or do we ignore them? Perhaps we casually stroll to handle them when we “get around to it?”

We are called to kill sins (Romans 8:13), not ignore them. The Bible tells us that sin leads to death (Romans 6:23). But if we will bring our sins into the open and confess them, God will forgive and purify them (1 John 1:7-9). Give it some thought…then go smash some sins!

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