Wanderman in the Wilderness

God's word applied in the world.

The Church’s Business Model: Reminders From Facebook

facebook modelI recently read an article about how Facebook attracts and keeps great talent. Perhaps we, in the church, could use a few reminders from their business model. Consider the following:

#1: The CEO Is Facebook’s Chief Recruiter

Zuckerberg is a known CEO, and he is very involved in attracting others to Facebook. Jesus is the most attractive CEO. And when His church puts Him first, people see Him and want to know more about Him. While fellowships, activities, etc., are all great, knowing they work for Jesus is why people stay.

#2: Facebook Is More Than Just A Cash Machine

While Facebook is a business, it is known for being socially conscious. The company is built on connecting people. How about your congregation? Are you known for making connections with people or just for collecting their money? The church has a positive social initiative – “connecting people to Christ” is our main purpose.

#3: Facebook Respects Its Employees

Facebook rates a 4.7/5 on Glassdoor for benefits, and their employees have the highest job satisfaction. In the church, we should respect our brothers and sisters in Christ more than any company. The church is always most attractive when people see how we love one another and others.

#4: Facebook Is Flexible

Despite being a large, multinational company, Facebook remains flexible without jeopardizing its purpose. The church must maintain its fundamentals of the faith; and it cannot waiver on Biblical doctrine. But in matters of opinion and in areas of expediency, we must remain flexible. “We’ve never done it that way before” is not a Biblical answer for rejecting an idea.

#5: Facebook Pays Well

The average intern at Facebook makes $6-8k/month – more than most Americans make. People are attracted to great benefits. Of course, money isn’t the benefit of the church, but we have something far greater. Salvation is truly the greatest compensation, and God offers it for a life given to Christ.

I love the church, the body of Christ. And when we operate as we should, we can make the real difference in people’s lives. Help someone choose Jesus today!

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